aGROWnomist Club
Constitution and By-Laws Organization Structure

Alpha Phi Omega XI Zeta Chapter
Constitution and By-Laws Organization Structure
Animal Science Enthusiast Student Society (ASESS)
Constitution and By-Laws Organization Structure
Association of Student Tour Guides (ASTG)
Constitution and By-Laws Organization Structure
Bartending Club (BARC)
Constitution and By-Laws Organization Structure
Biology Society (BIOSOC)
Constitution and By-Laws Organization Structure
Constitution and By-Laws Organization Structure
College of Agriculture and Fisheries - Federated Class Organization (CAF-FCO)
Constitution and By-Laws Organization Structure
College of Agriculture and Fisheries - Society of Agriculture Students (CAF-SAS)
Constitution and By-Laws Organization Structure
College of Arts and Sciences Student Organization (CASSO)
Constitution and By-Laws Organization Structure
College of Business Management and Accountancy Students Organizations (CBMASO)
Constitution and By-Laws Organization Structure
College of Hospitality Management Student Organization (CHMSO)
Constitution and By-Laws Organization Structure
Criminal Justice Education Society (CJES)
Constitution and By-Laws Organization Structure
College of Education - Federated Classroom Officer (COED-FCO)
Constitution and By-Laws Organization Structure
College of Science Student Organization - Federated Classroom Officers (CSSO-FCO)
Constitution and By-Laws Organization Structure
Department of Agriculture and Sciences - Future Farmers of the Philippines Collegiate Chapter
Constitution and By-Laws Organization Structure
Economics Student Society (ECOSSOC)
Constitution and By-Laws Organization Structure
ESSU Junior Marketing Association (EJMA)
Constitution and By-Laws Organization Structure
English Society Club (ESC)
Constitution and By-Laws Organization Structure
Entrepreneurship Students Organization (ESO)
Constitution and By-Laws Organization Structure
Firm Apostolic Individuals Teaching the Truth and Holiness (FAITH)
Constitution and By-Laws Organization Structure
Federated Class Organization - College of Engineering
Constitution and By-Laws Organization Structure
Federated Class Organization - College of Nursing and Allied Science (FCO-CONAS)
Constitution and By-Laws Organization Structure
Federated Class Organization - Integrated Computer Student Organization
Constitution and By-Laws Organization Structure
Future Fisheries Professionals Organization (FFPO)
Constitution and By-Laws Organization Structure
Financial Management Student Organization (FMSO)
Constitution and By-Laws Organization Structure
Guild of Hospitality Management Students (GOHMS)
Constitution and By-Laws Organization Structure
Graduate School Student Organization (GSSO)
Constitution and By-Laws
Guild of United Drafting Technology Students (GUDS)
Constitution and By-Laws Organization Structure
Human Resource Society (HRS)
Constitution and By-Laws Organization Structure
Constitution and By-Laws Organization Structure
Institute of Computer Engineering of the Philippines Student Edition (ICpEP .SE)
Constitution and By-Laws Organization Structure
Institute of Integrated Electrical Engineers - Eastern Samar State University - Student Chapter (IIEE-ESSU-SC)
Constitution and By-Laws Organization Structure
Information Technology Student Organization (ITSO)
Constitution and By-Laws Organization Structure
Junior Butlers Student Organization (JBSO)
Constitution and By-Laws
Junior Elementary Educators of the Philippines (JEEP)
Constitution and By-Laws Organization Structure
Junior Philippine Institute of Accountants (JPIA)
Constitution and By-Laws Organization Structure
Junior Social Worker Association of the Philippines (JSWAP)
Constitution and By-Laws Organization Structure
Kapisanan ng mga Medyor sa Filipino
Constitution and By-Laws Organization Structure
Le Politikons
Constitution and By-Laws Organization Structure
Master of Arts in Teaching Vocational Education Student Organization (MATVESO)
Constitution and By-Laws Organization Structure
Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers - Eastern Samar State University - Student Chapter (PICE-ESSU SC)
Constitution and By-Laws Organization Structure
Shema Youth Crusaders Organization (SYCO)
Constitution and By-Laws Organization Structure
Taekwondo Club
Constitution and By-Laws Organization Structure
Teknolohistas' Federated Class Organization (TFCO)
Constitution and By-Laws Organization Structure
Tourism Society of the East (TSE)
Constitution and By-Laws Organization Structure
Union of Communication Students (UCS)
Constitution and By-Laws Organization Structure