The Office of the Director for the Internship Program operates under the direct supervision of the Vice President for Academic Affairs. It primarily provides leadership on matters relating to the student internship in the university. It oversees the planning and crafting of pertinent policies and guidelines to ensure that the internship program of the university satisfies the CHED requirements and the demand of the current times. Accordingly, the office maintains close coordination with the colleges to monitor and supervise the internship program implementation.
ODIP Vision
An internship program responsive to the needs and demand of time
ODIP Mission
Consistent with the university vision, mission and strategic goals and directions, ODIP strives to afford the students with diverse opportunities of learning and development experiences geared at the acquisition of knowledge and its practical application in professional environments outside the academic setting to facilitate smooth transition from study to professional practice.
- Objective #1:Develop policies and guidelines that will facilitate ease and well-organized implementation of the internship program
- Objective #2: Ensure provision of program-specific internship opportunities that will hone further the interns’ knowledge and skills including those relevant to the values of professionalism and work appreciation through industry exposure and immersion and other enriching learning engagements
- Objective #3: Facilitate the participation of the Internship Focal in relevant trainings and seminar that will keep them abreast with the updates and developments in their respective professions.
ODIP Goal #2
- Objective #1 : Heighten partnership with agencies and institutions that satisfy CHED requirements as Host Training Establishments through signing of Memorandum of Agreement (MOA)
ODIP Goal #3
Objectives #1: Maintain close coordination with colleges through the internship focal to regularly supervise and monitor the internship program implementation
Objective #2: Ensure continual improvement in the internship program through assessment and evaluation in order to meet the student intern satisfaction

A. Internship Program Director Qualifications
The Director for the Internship Program shall be under the direct supervision of the Vice President for Academic Affairs and designated on the basis of the following qualifications:
- a licensed Professional or CSC Eligible;
- a Post Graduate Degree Holder or at least be with units in Post Graduate Studies;
- of good standing in the academic community; and
- familiar with the SIPP and SIAP Policies and
- Provide leadership, strategic direction and guidance in the conduct of activities both for SIPP and SIAP;
- Formulate procedural guidelines and/or standard operating procedures governing the Internship program;
- Look into the present practices of assessing the qualifications of students to be sent out for internship and come up with corrective measures/improvements to ascertain that only qualified students are sent out for training;
- Disseminate information about the internship requirements to OJT Advisers and interns;
- Coordinate with the Director for External Affairs in establishing linkages with appropriate HTEs where students can acquire the needed competencies or skills for their respective programs; and
- Ensure that the College SIPP and SIAP Coordinators orient student interns with the objectives of the training and that they are equipped with the knowledge and skills needed before
- Submit Internship program annual report to CHEDRO
B. SIPP and SIAP College Coordinator Qualification
The SIPP and SIAP Coordinator shall be under the ODIP who shall work closely with the OJT Advisers and who meets the following qualifications:
- A master’s degree holder
- With good moral standing
- Committed to work and is familiar with the SIPP and SIAP Policies and Guidelines.
- Spearhead the initial preparation in establishing linkages with the HTEs and FHEs/Os in collaboration with the IP Director and OJT Adviser;
- Work with the IP Director and OJT advisers to facilitate the MOU/MOA signing between Eastern Samar State University
(ESSU) and the Host Training Establishments (HTE’s)/Foreign Host Establishment (FHE)
- Facilitate in collaboration with the OJT advisers the conduct of orientation and other pre-deployment activities
- Monitor internship program implementation in the college
- Consolidate college internship report and submit the same to ODIP
- Assist the OJT advisers in addressing internship issues and concerns and report the same to ODIP
C. Internship Adviser
There shall be an Internship Adviser per academic program who is:
- with at least units of any relevant Master’s Degree;
- With good moral standing
- Committed to work and is familiar with the SIPP and SIAP Policies and Guidelines.
- assigned to handle the Internship Program as reflected in the faculty workload duly approved by the College Dean and the Vice president for Academic Affairs.
Responsibilities and Obligations of the Internship Adviser
- prepare the Internship Plan in collaboration with the Program Head and College Dean and facilitate its approval
- Spearhead the conduct of orientation and consultation of/with the student interns and their parents;
- Facilitate student intern grade evaluation;
- Work with the IP Director, Internship Coordinator and External Affairs Director in establishing linkages with the HTEs/ FHEs/Os for;
- Provide student interns with all the necessary assistance and guidance in complying and processing documents for the internship program
- Personally oversee/facilitate deployment of student interns in their respective HTE’s
- Conduct on-site visits to ensure safety of the student interns and to evaluate their performance;
- Coach or mentor student interns;
- Validate the internship result of the students per batch, at the end of the internship period.
- Prepare and submit to ODIP semestral report through the College Internship Coordinator
- The student intern must have taken and passed at least eighty percent (80%) of the academic requirements and all his/her major (professional) subjects before taking the internship program.
- A student intern may be allowed to take subjects during the internship period for a maximum of six (6) units provided that the subject/s is/are not major (professional) subject/s . For academic programs requiring a one-semester full time internship in accordance with the approved curriculum, no academic courses shall be taken during the internship
- Transferees and/or students who have graduated or completed another degree program and are enrolled in a second program must take and pass first all his/her major professional subjects before undergoing
- Students shall secure a certification to render OJT or Internship from the Program Head and attested by the College Dean. The purpose of this certification is to make sure that the student has already taken and passed all other requisite subjects during his/her lower year prior to his enrollment in the OJT or Internship course.
- Only qualified and officially enrolled students in the OJT or Internship Course are permitted to undergo the internship program.
- The duration of internship program shall be up to a maximum of five (5) months in accordance with the approved curriculum except for highly technical programs that require longer internship hours which shall be in accordance with their existing Policies, Standards and Guidelines (PSGs).
- Exception to items 1 to 4 shall apply to programs with internship requirements and guidelines peculiar to their approved curriculum. In such case, the internship policies and guidelines provided in the approved curriculum shall apply.
- In No case shall the University gives consideration or credit to any apprenticeship or internship program undertaken by any student without prior approval of the duly authorized officials of the University.
- For working students or students with relevant work experience, where nature of such work requires skills and competencies parallel to the competencies of the program being pursued, the program head may recommend that such work experience be given credit, subject to further perusal and approval of the College Dean and the Vice President for Academic Affairs.
Step 1 The student secures a certification to render OJT or Internship from the Program Head and attested by the College Dean.
Step 2 The student enrolls the OJT or Internship Course. In no case shall a student be allowed to undergo the Internship Program without being officially enrolled in the course.
Step 3 The assigned OJT adviser in collaboration with the internship coordinator then conducts an orientation program prior to fielding the students to their assigned agencies or firms. This includes but not limited to the following
- Orientation with students and their parents on the requirements, scope, Internship Program Policies and Guidelines and financial requirement
- Seminar on Anti-sexual Harassment
- Office Decorum Seminar
Step 4 An endorsement letter (ESSU-ODIP-002| Version 1) from the Internship Adviser noted by the College Dean and approved by the Vice President for Academic Affairs/Campus Administrator is sent to the prospective cooperating firm or HTE requesting that a student or students be assigned or deployed to their agency or firm stating therein the following:
- Name of student/s
- Duration of the OJT or Internship
- Number of Hours/Days required in the completion of OJT
Once approved, ESSU represented by the OJT Coordinator/Adviser and the head or representative of the HTE shall discuss thoroughly the expected competencies indicated in the Internship Plan (ESSU-ODIP-001 | Version 1). There must be a consensus or meeting of the minds between the two parties as to the contents of the competencies expected and required by the cooperating agency or firm.
Step 8 Upon completion of the OJT, the student is required to submit to the OJT Adviser a Narrative Report containing therein the Introduction, Bimonthly Accomplishment Report , Summary, Conclusion and Evaluation Rating and Certificate of Completion from the cooperating agency or firm, monthly time record, and pictorials as proof that the student did render his/her OJT internship.
B. Internship Abroad
- The Internship Abroad Program is Voluntary in nature on the part of the students notwithstanding that the curriculum requires international practicum. In such an event and upon meritorious cases, the affected student may opt to undergo local practicum instead or such other acceptable alternatives.
- Practicum/Internship subject/s must be part of the requirements in the duly noted/approved curriculum. Students planning to undergo internship abroad must pass the screening of the university.
- No student shall be allowed to undergo internship abroad without meeting ALL the requirements provided in CMO 22, s. 2013.
- The Director of the Internationalization Program in collaboration with the College Dean shall oversee the forging of partnership between the University and Foreign Host Establishments or Organizations ( FHEs/Os) in the Host country.
- All transactions, programs and activities relative to the Student Internship Abroad shall be coursed through the Office of the Internationalization Program Director and shall strictly adhere to the pertinent provisions of CMO 22, s. 2013.
- Orientation and pre-departure briefing for qualified students with their parents/spouses on the requirements, scope, Internship Program Policies and Guidelines and financial requirements
- Seminar on:
- RA 7877- Anti-sexual Harassment Act
- RA 9208 -Anti-trafficking in Persons Act 2003
- RA 10364- Expanded Anti-trafficking in Person Act of 2012
- RA 7610 – Special Protection of Children Against Abuse,Exploitation and Discrimination Act
- RA 8042 – Migrant Worker and Overseas Filipinos Act of 1995
- Office Decorum Seminar
Step 7 Upon receipt of CHED approval, the OJT Coordinator/Adviser provides assistance to and facilitates the processing of documents on behalf of the student interns.
Step 8 The OJT Coordinator/Adviser submits to the Internationalization Program Office a letter of request for CHED endorsement to Bureau of Immigration (BI) to include the following:- A copy of duly notarized Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with their FHEs/Os indicating their specific obligations/responsibilities and HEIs to assume full responsibility over the students while having their Internship Program Abroad, among others:
- A list of students who intend to undergo the internship together with their documents as follows:
- Notarized Application Letter signed by authorized school officials;
- Transcript of Records with Seal;
- Passport (photocopy);
- Training Permit issued by host country;
- Medical Certificate (Original);
- School Certificate of Student eligibility (with seal); and
- Flight Details
- A list of students who intend to undergo the internship together with their documents as follows:
Step 8 The Internationalization Program Director who serves as the ESSU authorized liaison personnel forwards the same to CHED. Only the Director for External Affairs and Internationalization is allowed to transact with CHED and BI.
Step 9 CHED evaluates the completeness and compliance of the documents. Upon compliance, CHED prepares the endorsement for BI clearance to be signed by the Chairperson copy furnished the Department of Foreign Affairs and notifies HEI to pick up the same once signed to be brought to the BI.
Step 10 The BI clears the students’ names prior to their departure. To avoid delay in the event that the student applicant has derogatory record, the application should be processed earlier.
Step 11 The Internationalization Program Director and Internship Program Director together with the OJT adviser shall personally facilitate the departure and deployment of the student interns. During the entire duration of the internship period, they shall closely monitor the student interns’ condition and performance by maintaining close coordination with the FHEs/Os and by conducting an onsite visit twice a semester.
Step 12 Upon completion of the Internship Program, the FHEs/Os issues Certificate of Completion of the Internship to the students and submits report within five (5) working days to PFSP all student interns who completed their internship program. Report should contain among others, departure details; and
- Health insurance, death, accident and dismemberment insurance coverage;
- Repatriation cost in case of death or a free ticket, if the intern was physically incapacitated;
- Hospitalization benefit;
- Round-trip ticket of the student interns(open booking for return ticket);
- Monthly allowance based on prevailing living standards of the host country; and
- Overtime/excess allowance or other applicable scheme per existing law of the host country when performing internship duties on a holiday(for a maximum of four hours) in excess of the regular eight hours with due consideration to the health and safety of the interns.
Step 13 Upon completion of the internship period, the student intern submits to the OJT Adviser a Narrative Report containing therein the Introduction, Bimonthly Accomplishment Report , Summary, Conclusion and Evaluation Rating and Certificate of Completion from the cooperating agency or firm, monthly time record, and pictorials as proof that the student did render his/her OJT internship.
News and Events
ESSU Main Campus' Student Internship Program (SIP), headed by its Director, Dr. Lucila A. Caballa-Habac, held the second leg of the pre-deployment seminar for internship students of the First Semester of AY 2024-25 at the Canuctan Hall on Friday, August 16, 2024. The College of E...
The Student Internship Program (SIP) of ESSU Main Campus conducted a Pre-deployment Seminar for their internship students for the First Semester of AY 2024-25 at the Teatro Ibabawnon on Thursday, August 8, 2024. Spearheaded by the SIP Director, Dr. Lucila A. Caballa-Habac, the pre-deployme...