Library Hours

7:30 AM – 5:00 PM (Monday to Friday)
8:00 AM – 4:00 PM (Saturday)

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Message of the Director

I am honored to share Eastern Samar State University's remarkable achievements over the past years in support of our efforts to combat poverty and its ongoing commitment to addressing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These highlight our collective efforts and significant milestones that underscore our dedication to fostering positive change within our community and beyond, owing to our faculty, students, staff, and stakeholders who have demonstrated unparalleled dedication and commitment, driving forward our mission to create a better and more sustainable future for all.

Our university has been at the forefront of tackling pressing global challenges. Our initiatives are centered around the empowerment of local communities through impactful extension programs and have been intricately designed to focus on sustainable development initiatives such as health and well-being, quality education, community resilience, a secure environment, economic growth, innovation, and inclusive governance that positively impact the local communities in Eastern Samar.

In alignment with the SDGs, we have launched numerous programs that uplift lives and create resilient communities through the facilitation of training or capacity-building programs, rendering technical advisory and consultancy services, the provision of assistance through community outreach, and the introduction of innovations aimed at reducing inequalities, promoting quality education, fostering environmental stewardship, and ensuring economic prosperity. We have also prioritized sustainable practices, integrating eco-friendly methods in all our projects to ensure that our development efforts do not compromise the ability of future generations to meet their needs.  Furthermore, our environmental protection programs and waste management campaigns stand as a testament to a greener and more sustainable Eastern Samar.   

Among those projects were various educational programs aimed at enhancing literacy and providing interventions to improve the knowledge of underserved populations. Also included are training for entrepreneurship and skills development that aim to create sustainable livelihoods, especially for women and youth. ESSU also provided a series of webinars that focused on climate resilience and disaster risk reduction, helping communities adapt to and mitigate the effects of climate change.  In line with this, the university has forged partnerships with various organizations to be able to implement programs on reforestation, coastal resource management, and education on climate resilience.

Through these community extension projects, ESSU has not only advanced the UN SDGs but also strengthened its role as a catalyst for sustainable development in Eastern Samar.  The university will remain committed to fostering a sustainable future through continued collaboration and innovation in its extension activities.  

Let us continue to work hand in hand, inspired by the progress we have made, to achieve even greater heights. Our journey is ongoing, and with your unwavering support, we will create lasting positive change for Eastern Samar.

Director, Training and Extension Services Office

Office Profile Description
The Training and Extension Services Office (TESO)
The Training and Extension Services Office (TESO) is responsible for carrying out the extension service mandate of the university and is tasked with performing the following specific functions:
  1. Manage the University’s Extension Service Program: Oversee the planning, execution, and administration of extension services across the institution.
  2. Supervise the Conduct of All Extension Programs: Ensure the effective implementation and supervision of extension programs across various colleges and campuses of the university.
  3. Formulate, Recommend, and Implement Policies: Develop and propose policies or mechanisms governing the extension service programs of the university and ensure their effective implementation.
  4. Develop and Implement Viable Extension Programs: Create and execute extension programs, projects, and activities that address the actual needs of the university's service area.
  5. Disseminate and Transfer Research-Based Technologies: Package, disseminate, and transfer appropriate or mature research-based technologies to support socio-economic development.
  6. Establish Partnerships for Sustainable Development: Forge partnerships with industries, government and non-government agencies, and organizations to achieve sustainable development and economic upliftment.
  7. Generate and Allocate Resources: Secure and distribute resources to support the extension programs of various university units.
  8. Monitor, Evaluate, and Document Programs: Conduct continuous monitoring, evaluation, and documentation of all extension service programs within the university.
  9. Serve as the Linkage Between ESSU and the Community: Act as the primary link between Eastern Samar State University (ESSU) and the community it serves.
  10. Ensure a Productive Extension Service Workforce: Develop effective strategies to maintain a motivated and efficient extension service workforce.
  11. Conduct Extension Service Research: Undertake research on various aspects of the extension service and its management to improve its effectiveness and impact.
  12. Integrate Extension, Research, and Instruction Programs: Ensure close collaboration between the university's extension service programs and its research and instruction initiatives.
TESO is dedicated to promoting socioeconomic development and strengthening community engagement, ensuring that the university's expertise and resources are effectively leveraged to benefit the community, industry, and other stakeholders.
The Training and Extension Services Office (TESO) commits to delivering high-quality, demand-driven extension services and innovative technologies geared towards sustainable development.
  1. Ensure Excellence in Service Delivery: Achieve 100% compliance with extension service targets through timely, efficient, and high-quality engagement.
  2. Drive Annual Growth: Increase extension service targets by 10% annually across all colleges and campuses.
  3. Foster Community Awareness and Ignite Change: Promote greater awareness of key environmental, agricultural, industrial, social, economic, and political issues among marginalized sectors and communities.
  4. Evaluate Program Effectiveness: Conduct regular monitoring, evaluation, and impact assessments to determine the effectiveness and utility of extension programs, projects, and activities. 
  5. Promote Sustainable Technologies: Develop and disseminate innovative technologies to support socio-economic development and environmental sustainability.
The university shall utilize a combination of the following strategies to meet the goal and objectives:
  1. Enhance Community Well-being; Develop and sustain programs, projects, and activities aimed at improving the productivity, profitability, and well-being of rural communities, particularly the disadvantaged.
  2. Adopt Inclusive Approaches: Use a research-based, pluralistic, sustainable, and community-based participatory approach in the development and dissemination of technologies.
  3. Disseminate Mature Technologies: Innovation and diffusion of relevant technologies to wider audiences that significantly contribute to sustainable development.
  4. Build Local Capacities: Strengthen the abilities of local government units (LGUs), civil society organizations (CSOs), people’s organizations (POs), non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and extension service workers to promote empowerment and build sustainable communities.
  5. Resource Generation and Allocation: Secure and allocate resources to support the extension programs of various colleges and campuses within the university.
  6. Implement Effective Monitoring and Evaluation Scheme: Establish a simple yet accurate monitoring and evaluation system to assess program effectiveness.
  7. Expand Collaborations: Develop and maintain a growing network of active international, national, and regional linkages and collaborations with other stakeholders.

The university’s focus is to enhance the quality of life for the province's impoverished, underprivileged, and underserved communities. The scope of operations is strategically divided into six service areas, enabling the systematic delivery of extension services by the ESSU Borongan- Main campus and its five external campuses. These areas encompass various municipalities and facilitate targeted outreach efforts to address the specific needs of the communities. 

  • ESSU Arteche: Jipapad, Arteche, Maslog, and San Policarpo
  • ESSU Can-avid: Oras, Dolores, Can-avid, and Taft;
  • ESSU Borongan: Sulat, San Julian, and Borongan
  • ESSU Maydolong: Maydolong, Balangkayan, Llorente, and Hernani
  • ESSU Salcedo: Salcedo, Quinapondan, Giporlos, Balangiga, and Lawaan
  • ESSU Guiuan: Gen. MacArthur, Mercedes, and Guiuan
Organization and Management

This section outlines the functional organization and management of the university’s extension service arm, highlighting the key officials and their corresponding duties and responsibilities

Organizational Structure 

  1. Board of Regents (BOR) is an independent governing body overseeing the ESSU system.
  2. University President: Leads the overall research and extension governance, executing policies and guidelines approved by the Board of Regents.
  3. Vice President for Research and Extension:  Directly supervises the Research and Extension (R&E) Division. Assists the University President in the formulation, implementation and evaluation of policies and procedures concerning research and extension.
  4. Research and Extension Council (RECO) The council is chaired by the university president, with the vice president for research and extension as co-chair. Along with its members: Vice President for Academic Affairs, Vice President for Administration, Vice President for External Linkaging and Quality Assurance, Campus Administrators, Director for Research and Development Services Office, Director for Training and Extension Services Office, Director for Intellectual Property Office of the University/General Manager of Innovation and Technology Support Office with their respective Unit Heads, Directors of Research and Extension from external campuses, Deans of various colleges on the main campus, public and private agency partners, and other stakeholders. Unit Heads, College Extension Heads, and Campus Extension Heads also serve as members of the Research and Extension Council.
  5. Director: The office is led by the director who takes charge with the overall planning, management and evaluation of extension programs, projects of the university, with an assistant director serving as an alternate. The office consists of four units, each led by a unit head; Program Development, Linkaging, and Fund Sourcing Unit, Training Support Unit, Technology Packaging and Publication Unit, Monitoring and Evaluation Unit.
  6. Assistant Director: Supports the Director in planning, management, policy/procedure formulation, and ensuring organizational performance for the office.
  7. Head, Program Development, Linkaging, and Fund Sourcing: Assists the Director in the formulation of strategies in the  implementation extension programs. Also, maintain partnerships, coordinate resources, and write project proposals for external funding agencies.
  8. Head, Monitoring and Evaluation: Assists the Director in managing the Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) system for extension programs involves collecting M&E reports regularly to provide relevant information to management and stakeholders, as well as documenting and evaluating findings to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the university's extension programs.
  9. Head, Training Support: Supports the Director in the planning, organizing, and delivering training programs to enhance the skills and knowledge of target beneficiaries. 
  10. Head, Technology Packaging and Publication: Assist the Director in the promotion extension programs in print and broadcast media. Also, develop content for various publications and manage Extension publication, webpages, and radio programs.
  11. Training Specialists: Assesses training needs, develops and executes training programs, and evaluates their effectiveness. Additionally, mentor and support trainees to ensure learning goals are met and skills are applied in practical situations and assess training results, and make suggestions for future programs to support continuous improvement in extension services.
  12. Subject Matter Experts: A pool of specialists in various fields to provide expert services and technical assistance for the university's extension programs.
  13. Coordination with College Extension Coordinators and Campus Extension Heads: TESO Unit Heads collaborate with College Extension Coordinators on the main campus and Heads for Extension Services on external campuses to plan, implement, monitor, and evaluate extension PPAs within their respective colleges/campuses.
  14. College/Campus Extension Review and Monitoring Committee (CERMC): Ensures extension proposals align with the university's priorities and reviews/evaluates the status of implemented extension programs, projects, and activities (PPAs) by the colleges and campuses, regardless of funding sources. The committee is led by the College Dean/Campus Administrator, with the Vice Chair being the College Extension Coordinator/Campus Extension Head, and members including program heads and subject matter experts (SMEs).
  15. Extensionists: Faculty members with a strong interest in RDE programs can work individually or in groups. Involvement from students, alumni, administrative units, and partner agencies is encouraged. The classification are as follows: 
  • Program Leader: manages approved projects, ensures goals are met, submits reports, prepares documents, and oversees at least one project.
  • Project Leader: manages specific program components, monitors activities, and assists the program leader. Can oversee up to two programs.
  • Activity Leader: leads specific activities, executes plans, and prepares reports.

The Citizen Charter of the Training and Extension Services Office (TESO) serves as a reference for stakeholders and beneficiaries, outlining TESO's commitments, services, procedures, and standards. It outlines the commitments, services, procedures, and standards of TESO, ensuring transparency and accountability in delivering high-quality extension services aimed at promoting sustainable development.

HARIGI: ESSU Flagship Program 
The Eastern Samar State University is committed to addressing the multifaceted challenges faced by our communities, particularly poverty and social inequality. In line with this, ESSU established the flagship program HARIGI, which stands for  Hastening Measures to Alleviate Poverty through Policy Reforms and Scientific Innovations Leading to Sustainable Growth and Social Inclusion. The term "HARIGI" is a Waray-Waray word that means "pillar," symbolizing stability. This was structured in adherence to the ESSU Research, Development, and Extension Agenda (ERDEA). Each "pillar" represents the university's strategic approach to advancing sustainable development and carrying out its social responsibility through selfless service, ultimately improving quality of life.
HARIGI aims to achieve the following key objectives:

  • This program seeks to provide immediate and effective solutions to reduce poverty levels by implementing targeted interventions. These measures are designed to enhance the economic opportunities and living conditions of the most vulnerable populations in the service areas.
  • The program advocates for the development and implementation of policies that support sustainable development and social equity. These reforms are crucial for creating an enabling environment where all community members can thrive.
  • The program aims to drive progress and improve productivity across various sectors by promoting the transfer and utilization of research-based technologies. HARIGI emphasizes the importance of leveraging scientific research and innovations to address socio-economic challenges. 
  • The program focuses on fostering economic growth that is both inclusive and environmentally sustainable. This involves supporting local businesses, encouraging entrepreneurship, and promoting practices that ensure long-term economic stability without compromising ecological health.
  • The program strives to eliminate social barriers and promote equal participation in all aspects of community life. At the heart of HARIGI is the mission to create an inclusive society in which all people have equal access to resources and opportunities, regardless of their background.

Pillars of the HARIGI Program

The program is built on six fundamental pillars, each representing a critical area of focus to drive sustainable development and social inclusion. Here’s an in-depth discussion of each pillar:

1. Healthy and Secure Environment

This pillar emphasizes the importance of creating an environment that promotes the well-being and safety of all community members. It focuses on:

  • Health and Wellness: Implementing programs that promote physical and mental health, providing access to healthcare services, and encouraging healthy lifestyles.
  • Environmental Sustainability: Promoting practices that protect and preserve the environment, such as waste management, energy conservation, and sustainable resource use.
  • Safety and Security: Ensuring robust safety protocols, disaster preparedness plans, and security measures to protect the community from various risks and hazards.

2. Advanced Education

This pillar is dedicated to enhancing academic knowledge and technical skills proficiency to prepare individuals for the modern workforce. Key components include:

  • High-Quality Education: Providing comprehensive and quality education across various disciplines to equip students with essential knowledge and skills.
  • Technical Skills Training: Offering specialized training programs to develop practical skills that meet industry demands.
  • Lifelong Learning: encouraging continuous education and professional development through various educational initiatives and programs.

3. Resilient Communities

Resiliency focuses on building the capacity of individuals and communities to withstand and recover from adverse situations. This includes:

  • Disaster Preparedness and Management: Educating and training communities on disaster risk reduction, preparedness, and response.
  • Community Resilience Programs: Implementing programs that enhance the ability of communities to adapt to and recover from economic, social, and environmental challenges.
  • Support Systems: Providing counseling, financial aid, and other support services to help individuals and communities overcome setbacks.

4. Innovative Culture

Innovation is about fostering a culture of creativity and problem-solving to drive progress and development. This involves:

  • Research and Development: Invest in R&D and provide grants or incentives for innovative projects.
  • Open Innovation Ecosystem: Engage with external partners, including industry and government, to exchange knowledge and co-develop new technologies.
  • Technology and Knowledge Transfer: Facilitating the commercialization of new technologies that drive innovation, productivity, and organizational competitiveness to address specific technological needs or challenges in various sector
  • Entrepreneurship: Creating incubators and accelerators, supporting business endeavors, and providing entrepreneurship courses that foster innovation and enterprise through training, mentorship, and resource access.

5. Growth (Economic Growth)

This pillar aims to stimulate economic development and create opportunities for prosperity. Key elements include:

  • Economic Development Programs: Implementing initiatives that promote economic growth, job creation, and income generation.
  • Business Development Support: Providing resources, training, and networking opportunities to local businesses and entrepreneurs.
  • Sustainable Practices: Encouraging economic activities that are environmentally sustainable and socially responsible, ensuring long-term economic stability.

6. Inclusive Society

The final pillar focuses on promoting social equity and inclusion, ensuring that all community members have equal access to opportunities and resources. This involves:

  • Social Inclusion Programs: Implementing initiatives that promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in all university activities and community engagements.
  • Accessibility: Ensuring that educational and economic opportunities are accessible to marginalized and underserved populations.
  • Community Engagement: Encouraging active participation from all community members and fostering a sense of belonging and inclusivity.

The HARIGI program’s pillars collectively represent ESSU’s holistic approach to development, addressing key areas critical to the well-being and advancement of the communities it serves. By focusing on a healthy and secure environment, advanced education, community resilience, a culture of innovation, economic growth, and an inclusive society, this program aims to create a lasting positive impact, driving sustainable development and social inclusion across Eastern Samar and beyond.


The HARIGI encompasses a range of programs designed strategically,  tailoring initiatives to address specific community needs and promote sustainable development. Each component focuses on different aspects such as community welfare, technological advancement, governance, student involvement, and externally funded projects.

1. University’s Strategic Interventions for Community Welfare, Advancement, and Growth (USWAG): A key component of the university's flagship HARIGI program, USWAG serves as the umbrella under which all extension programs are organized and implemented, fostering a unified approach to community development. USWAG is  designed to address the immediate and long-term needs of communities through impact-driven, collaborative, and development-oriented initiatives, driving economic and social progress.






1. Academic Units and RDE Programs/Projects- Each academic unit must ensure that they have at least one Research, Development, and Extension (RDE) program/project. When writing these programs/projects, it is essential to take into consideration the strategic goals set forth by the ERDEA and SDGs.


2. Extension Program Logo and College Colors- Every extension program must have a distinct logo that symbolizes the essence of the program and represents the college’s extension efforts. The logo should prominently feature the college colors to maintain a consistent and recognizable brand identity.

3. Create an organizational structure to serve as a pool of subject matter experts. Use the approved OS of your college.

ESSU Borongan, Main Campus


  • College of Agriculture
  • College of Arts and Sciences
  • College of Computer Studies
  • College of Criminal Justice Education
  • College of Education
  • College of Engineering
  • College of Hospitality Management
  • College of Nursing and Allied Sciences
  • College of Sciences
  • College of Technology
  • Graduate School

External Campuses

  • ESSU Arteche
  • ESSU Can-avid
  • ESSU Maydolong
  • ESSU Salcedo 
  • ESSU Guiuan


  1. Technology Utilization and Transfer for Development of Organizations (TUTDO) This program exemplifies our steadfast commitment to facilitating the introduction of technology and the transfer of knowledge to foster organizational advancement and spur innovation. TUTDO serves as the cornerstone for all technology transfer, technical advisory, and consulting services initiatives at the university to drive enterprise development.


  1. Building Collective Initiatives for SUstainable Governance (BISUG) is a crucial element of the HARIGI program, highlighting the university's pivotal role in the formulation, lobbying, and implementation of public policies that are environmentally sustainable, socially inclusive, and economically viable while supporting the well-being of current and future generations.


  1. Bridging and Uplifting Leadership Initiatives for Student Government (BULIG) represents a transformative initiative that not only enhances the leadership capacities of students but also drives meaningful social change within and beyond the university campus. BULIG embodies the university’s commitment to nurturing responsible global citizens who are equipped to address the complex challenges of the 21st century by bridging connections, uplifting leadership initiatives, and fostering social responsibility. The program seeks to give awareness and a sense of volunteerism to student organizations' leaders and members by integrating extension into their annual program of activities.


  1. Grants In-Aid for CommunitY Advancement (GIYA) is a distinct extension program that operates independently of the university's standard extension programs. This encompasses initiatives for which the institution has been formally engaged in or commissioned by an external entity, whether public or private, to administer grants, aid, and funding for various projects.
  2. Electronic and Digital Utilities through Connected-Learning And Resource Sharing (EDUCAR) is an e-Extension Program of the university which aims to expand our extension services and expertise beyond the campus, using digital technology to create an inclusive and interactive  learning environment. 


  • Services (Provide your college/campus content for each of the following categories)
    • Linkages and Partnerships (News Article categorized as International, National, Local)


ESSU Borongan, Main Campus


College of Agriculture

College of Arts and Sciences

College of Business Management and Accountancy

College of Computer Studies

College of Criminal Justice Education

College of Education

College of Engineering

College of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences

College of Hospitality Management

College of Nursing and Allied Sciences

College of Sciences

College of Technology

Graduate School


External Campuses

ESSU Arteche

ESSU Can-avid

ESSU Maydolong

ESSU Salcedo 

ESSU Guiuan

Training and Capacity Development (Start with the recent)


ESSU Borongan, Main Campus

College of Agriculture

College of Arts and Sciences

College of Business Management and Accountancy

College of Computer Studies

College of Criminal Justice Education

College of Education

College of Engineering

College of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences

College of Hospitality Management

College of Nursing and Allied Sciences

College of Sciences

College of Technology

Graduate School


External Campuses

ESSU Arteche

ESSU-Arteche Extension Services

ESSU Can-avid

ESSU Maydolong

ESSU Salcedo 

ESSU Guiuan

Technical Advisory and Consultancy
(Start with the recent)


ESSU Borongan, Main Campus


College of Agriculture

College of Arts and Sciences

College of Business Management and Accountancy

College of Computer Studies

College of Criminal Justice Education

College of Education

College of Engineering

College of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences

College of Hospitality Management

College of Nursing and Allied Sciences

College of Sciences

College of Technology

Graduate School


External Campuses

ESSU Arteche

ESSU Can-avid

ESSU Maydolong

ESSU Salcedo 

ESSU Guiuan

Outreach and Charity Work
(Start with the recent)


ESSU Borongan, Main Campus


College of Agriculture

College of Arts and Sciences

College of Business Management and Accountancy

College of Computer Studies

College of Criminal Justice Education

College of Education

College of Engineering

College of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences

College of Hospitality Management

College of Nursing and Allied Sciences

College of Sciences

College of Technology

Graduate School


External Campuses

ESSU Arteche

Outreach and Charity Works

ESSU Can-avid

ESSU Maydolong

ESSU Salcedo 

ESSU Guiuan

Student’s Community Involvement
(Start with the recent)


ESSU Borongan, Main Campus

College of Agriculture

College of Arts and Sciences

College of Business Management and Accountancy

College of Computer Studies

College of Criminal Justice Education

College of Education

College of Engineering

College of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences

College of Hospitality Management

College of Nursing and Allied Sciences

College of Sciences

College of Technology

Graduate School


External Campuses

ESSU Arteche

Student's Community Involvement

ESSU Can-avid

ESSU Maydolong

ESSU Salcedo 

ESSU Guiuan

GAD Initiatives:
(Start with the recent)

ESSU Borongan, Main Campus


College of Agriculture

College of Arts and Sciences

College of Business Management and Accountancy

College of Computer Studies

College of Criminal Justice Education

College of Education

College of Engineering

College of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences

College of Hospitality Management

College of Nursing and Allied Sciences

College of Sciences

College of Technology

Graduate School


External Campuses

ESSU Arteche

GAD Initiatives

ESSU Can-avid

ESSU Maydolong

ESSU Salcedo 

ESSU Guiuan

Externally Funded Extension
(Start with the recent)

ESSU Borongan, Main Campus


College of Agriculture

College of Arts and Sciences

College of Business Management and Accountancy

College of Computer Studies

College of Criminal Justice Education

College of Education

College of Engineering

College of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences

College of Hospitality Management

College of Nursing and Allied Sciences

College of Sciences

College of Technology

Graduate School


External Campuses

ESSU Arteche

Externally-Funded Extension

ESSU Can-avid

ESSU Maydolong

ESSU Salcedo 

ESSU Guiuan


Accomplishment Reports (Infographic of your accomplishment per year 2024-2020)

University System

2023 Annual Report

2022 Annual Report

2021 Annual Report


ESSU Borongan, Main Campus


College of Agriculture

College of Arts and Sciences

College of Business Management and Accountancy

College of Computer Studies

College of Criminal Justice Education

College of Education

College of Engineering

College of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences

College of Hospitality Management

College of Nursing and Allied Sciences

College of Sciences

College of Technology

Graduate School


External Campuses

ESSU Arteche

ESSU Can-avid

ESSU Maydolong

ESSU Salcedo 

ESSU Guiuan

Testimonials and Success Stories
(Feature Articles)


ESSU Borongan, Main Campus


College of Agriculture

College of Arts and Sciences

College of Business Management and Accountancy

College of Computer Studies

College of Criminal Justice Education

College of Education

College of Engineering

College of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences

College of Hospitality Management

College of Nursing and Allied Sciences

College of Sciences

College of Technology

Graduate School


External Campuses

ESSU Arteche

ESSU Can-avid

ESSU Maydolong

ESSU Salcedo 

ESSU Guiuan

Information, Education, and Communication Materials 

(AVP-Promotional Video Primer, Brochures preferably with Waray-waray translation)


ESSU Borongan, Main Campus


College of Agriculture

College of Arts and Sciences

College of Business Management and Accountancy

College of Computer Studies

College of Criminal Justice Education

College of Education

College of Engineering

College of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences

College of Hospitality Management

College of Nursing and Allied Sciences

College of Sciences

College of Technology

Graduate School


External Campuses

ESSU Arteche

ESSU Can-avid

ESSU Maydolong

ESSU Salcedo 

ESSU Guiuan


  • Extension Service Request 

Our university's extension service process efficiently connects our expertise with the community's needs. Clients can submit requests online or in person, detailing the specific service needed, and desired results.

Upon receipt of the request, a confirmation email is sent, followed by an initial assessment to ensure all relevant information is included. 

The request is sent to the concerned academic unit with the necessary expertise and devises a plan outlining the services, schedule, and resources required to meet the client's needs.

The proposed plan is reviewed and approved by university management. Once accepted, the extension service is carried out with regular communication between the activity management team and the clients to ensure the activity is on schedule and meets expectations.

After completion, the university conducts an assesment to analyze the impact of the services provided and gather feedback from the client to continuously improve our extension service delivery.

Please download the Extension Service Request Form.

  • Document Request

TESO promptly processes document requests submitted online, via email, or in person. Upon receiving a request, we acknowledge and review it. If necessary, we'll contact the requester for additional information. 

After locating the document/s in our database, we confirm its relevance and update it if necessary. The document is then submitted for approval and quality control. Once authorized, we prepare it for delivery via email, physical pick-up, or postal service.

The request and document are saved in our system for reference. We follow up with the requester to ensure satisfaction and collect feedback for improvement, guaranteeing efficient and secure processing of requests.

Please download the Document Request Form.

  • Frequently Asked Questions (FQAs)

Who can avail the services? 

  • Private Individuals
  • Professionals
  • Business and  Industry Sectors/MSMEs
  • Civil Society Organizations/Community-Based Organizations
    • Women and Children
    • People with Disabilities
    • Out-of-school youth
    • Senior Citizens
    • LGBTQI+
    • Farmers and Fisherfolk associations
  • Non-government Organizations 
  • Governmental Organizations 
    • National Government Agencies
    • Local Government Units

How should I avail the services?

Start by writing a formal letter, filling out our online Extension Service Request Form  or visiting our office in person. Provide explicit details about the service you require, including your objectives or any pertinent information.

What services are provided? 

Provide the link of your infographics for this category. 

ESSU Borongan, Main Campus

College of Agriculture

College of Arts and Sciences

College of Business Management and Accountancy

College of Computer Studies

College of Criminal Justice Education

College of Education

College of Engineering

College of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences

College of Hospitality Management

College of Nursing and Allied Sciences

College of Sciences

College of Technology

Graduate School

External Campuses

ESSU Arteche

ESSU Can-avid

ESSU Maydolong

ESSU Salcedo 

ESSU Guiuan

Contact Us

We value your questions and feedback. Below you’ll find contact information for various academic units and extension service offices at our university. Please reach out to the relevant college or campus for assistance.

General Inquiries

For general extension service inquiries please contact:

Training and Extension Services Office 


Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM


Office of the Director for Training and Extension Services

3rd Floor, Administration Building, ESSU Main Campus

Borongan City, Eastern Samar, Philippines 6800

Visit ESSU Training and Extension Services Office Page

ESSU Borongan, Main Campus

College of Agriculture

College of Arts and Sciences

College of Business Management and Accountancy;

Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM


Accountancy Department 

Ground Floor, CHM Building, ESSU Main Campus

Borongan City, Eastern Samar, Philippines 6800

Visit ESSU - CBMA Community Extension Page

College of Computer Studies

College of Criminal Justice Education

College of Education ; 

Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM


College of Education

2nd Floor, COED Building, ESSU Main Campus

Borongan City, Eastern Samar, Philippines, 6800

College of Engineering

College of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences

College of Hospitality Management

College of Nursing and Allied Sciences

College of Sciences

College of Technology

Graduate School

External Campuses

ESSU Arteche

Training and Extension Services Office 


Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM


ESSU-Arteche Campus

Brgy. Balud, Arteche, Eastern Samar, Philippines 6822

Visit ESSU-Arteche

ESSU Can-avid

ESSU Maydolong

ESSU Salcedo 

ESSU Guiuan

We look forward to assisting you!