- Purchase of Desktop for the Budget Office and Cashier Office use
- Purchase of Materials for the Repair of Alumni Building
- Purchase of Feeds for the IGP Piggery use
- Services for General Overhauling for the University Vehicle (Sportvio) use
- Purchase of Materials for the Repair of Alumni Building
- Purchase of Medical Supplies for SCUAA 2024 use.
- Catering Services (Lunch, Dinner, & Snacks) for the Activity Entitled FY 2024 Campus Wide Performance Review
- Catering Services (Lunch, Dinner, & Snacks) for the Activity Entitled Presentation & Consilidation of FFY2025 Strategic Plan
- Procurement of 1 set University Mace for the University use
- Services of Printing of Tarpulin for the Activity Entitled 2024 18th Day Campaign to end Violence Against Women and Children
- Purchase of Feeds for the IGP Piggery use
- Purchase of Tire (Tubeless) for the University Vehicle (Gradia 1 & 2) use
- Purchase of Materials for the University (Graduate School) use
- Purchase of Materials for the Repair of Green House, Construction of Ceiling and Tileworks of STRDI Center in University
- Purchase of Materials for the Division Partition of ICTC 1st Floor AVR
- Procurement of Office Supplies (Bond Paper) for the 4th Quarter for the University use
- Services for General Overhauling for the University Vehicle (Sportivo) use
- Purchase of Materials to be used by the Beneficiares of the CEST Project
- Hotel Accommodation for Plenary Speakers, Keynote Speaker and Evaluators for the ICIDRRM use
- Services for General Overhauling for the University Vehicle (Sportivo) use
- Purchase of Materials to be used by the Beneficiares of the CEST Project
- Purchase of Supplies for the ID Production and University use (2)
- Procurement of 15 Units of Copier for Replacemet of Obsoletes Models in Various Offices at ESSU Main Campus
- Purchase of Desktop for the Budget Office and Cashier Office use
- Catering Services (Breakfast & Lunch) for SCUAA 2024 Games use (December 7-13, 2024) and Concentration Training (December 4-6, 2024) (2)
- Purchase of Construction Materials for the MakeshiftStock Room of Supply Office use
- Catering Services (Breakfast & Lunch) for SCUAA 2024 Games use (December 7-13, 2024) and Concentration Training (December 4-6, 2024)
- Purchase of Supplies for the ID Production and University use (3)
- Purchase of IT Supplies for the Enhanced National Government Accounting System (eNGAS) for the University use (2)
- Catering Services (Breakfast, Snacks, Lunch, & Dinner) for the 11th ICIDRRM use
- Services for Printing, Sewing, Sublimation of Athletes, Coaches and Officials Uniforms, Bags & Caps for SCUAA Games 2024 (December 8-13, 2024)
- Purchase of Supplies for the 11th ICIDRRM use
- Purchased of Books for the College of Law (COL) use
- Procurement of Server for the Enhanced National Government Accounting System (eNGAS) for the University use.
- Purchase of Supplies and Materials (Janitorial) for the Administratice & Support Services Office (ASSO) use
- Purchase of IT Supplies for the Enhanced National Government Accounting System (eNGAS) for the University use
- Purchase of Supplies for the ID Production and University Use
- Services for the Cleaning of the Whole Area by the Project, Plowing, Fixing (Installation) of Dikes and Canal, Land Preparation, Power Tiler Operation, Pulling andd Transplanting of Seedlings
- Procurement of Fuel (Diesel) for the Month of October 2024
- Purchase of Materials for the Repair and Maintenance of University (for the preparation of Quintuple)
- Purchase of Books for the College of Law use
- Purchase Printer and Laptop for the Different Office (Civil Engineering office, College of Fisheries & Aquatic Science Office, Guidance & Counseling Services, BAC Office & Budget Office use)
- Procurement of SMART TV & Floor Standing 3 Ton Airconditioning Unit - Essu Guiuan Campus
- Procurement of ID Card Printer for the University use
- Catering Service for the Activity Entitled Intercampus Games 2024
- Procurement of Sport Supplies for the Activity Entitled Intercampus Games 2024
- Purchase of IT Supplies for the Enhanced National Government Accounting System (eNGAS) for the University use
- Procurement of Server for the EnhancedNational Government Accountng System (eNGAS) for the University use
- Purchase of T-Shirt & Collared Shirt (Ready Made) for the Activity Entitled Intercampus Games 2024
- Procurement of Medical Supplies and Other Materials for the Science Laboratory use in Compliance to COPC of BSBio & BSES Programs
- Purchase of Hog Grower and other Feeds for the IGP Piggery Production use
- Procurement of Supplies and Materials for the Physical Plant & Facilities Office (PPFO) use in the Maintenance of the University
- Procurement of Electrical Supplies for the Repair and Maintenance
- Service (Labor Materials) for the Installation of Window Glass at ATI Building for Upcoming Classes use
- Purchase of Goods for the Conduct of research Entitled Dietary Maniplation for Organic Broiler Production Under Different Rearing Systems
- Procurement of Medical Supplies and Other Materials for the Science Laboratory use in Compliance to COPC of BSBio
- Procurement of Supplies and Materials for the Physical Plants & Facilities Office (PPFO)
- Services for the Officiating Officials for the Activity Entitled Intramural Games 2024
- Purchase of Supplies and Materials for the Repair and Maintenance of Devices for the Internet Connection for the University use
- Purchase of Supplies and Materials for the University use
- Procurement of Electrical Supplies for the Repair and Maintenance of the Universtiy use
- Procurement of Smart TV & Floor Standing 3 Ton Airconditioning Unit
- Procurement of Sports Supplies for the Activity Entitled Intramural Games 2024
- Purchase of IT Supplies for the Internet Connection of the ESSU Arteche (2)
- Purchase of Smart TV for Instructional Purposes for ESSU Balangiga Campus use
- Purchase of Tire Tube Type Assembly 700-15. 8 Ply Rating for Motorpoo; Office use. (Isuzu Truck)
- Purchase of SMART TV for Instructional Purposes for ESSU Balangiga Campus use
- Supply and Installation of Glass Window Wall with Sliding Door for the Conference Room at the SMART IT Building
- Purchase of Supplies and Materials for the Installation of Classroom Partition, Doors & Concreting Pathway to CR for the College of Nursing and Allied Sciences (CONAS) Building use
- Purchase of IT Supplies for the Internet Connection of the ESSU Arteche (2)
- Purchase of Lumber and Plywood for the Installation of Classroom Partition at the ESSU Arteche Annex Building and for the Tile Works
- Procurement of Desktop Computer and other IT Supplies for the Human Resource Management Information System (HRMIS) server use
- Catering Services for the Activity Entitled Student Leadership Conference 2024
- Common Office for the 3rd Quarter for the University use
- Equipment for the Science Laboratory use in Compliance to COPC of BSBio & BSES Programs
- Fuel for the Month of August 2024 for University use
- Office Supplies (Paper Multicopy Leagal & A4) for 3rd Quarter for the University use
- Toner for the University use
- Purchase of Goods for the Conduct of Research Entitled Dietary Manipulation for Organic Broiler Production under Different Rearing System
- Services for the Printing of IEC Materials (Brochure Type) for the Activity Entitled Information Drive on Gender - Related Issues and Distribution of IEC Materials
- Purchase of IT Supplies for the Internet Connection of the ESSU Arteche
- Purchase of Supplies and Materials for the Repainting of College of Hospitality Management Building
- Services (Labor Materials) for the Installation of Window Glass at ATI Building for Upcoming Classes use
- Procurement of Gold & Silver Medals for the activity entitled 61st Commencement Exercise and Recognition Rites
- Construction of 200-linear meters road concreting from Cafeteria to BSBA Building of ESSU Can-Avid Campus
- Catering Services for the Activity Entitled Intramural Games 2024
- Catering Services for the Activity Entitled Intramural Games 2024
- Cathering Services for the Activity Entitled Intramural Games 2024
- Construction of 200-Linear Meters Road Concreting from Cafeteria to BSBA Building of ESSU Can-Avid Campus
- Construction of 200-Linear meters road concreting from sport complex to Agriculture building at ESSU Can-Avid Campus (2)
- Construction of 200-Linear meters road concreting from sport complex to Agriculture building at ESSU Can-Avid Campus
- Procurement of Common Office Supplies for the 3rd Quarter for the University use
- Purchase of Aircondiioner for the Supply and Property Management Office (SPMO) and Tinipigan Museum use
- Purchase of IT Supplies for the Internet Connection of ESSU Arteche
- Purchase of IT Supplies for the Internet Connection of the ESSU Arteche (Posted)
- Purchase of IT Supplies for the SMART City Application Development use (2)
- Purchase of IT Supplies for the SMART City Application Development use (3)
- Purchase of IT Supplies for the SMART City Application Development use
- Purchase of Lumber and Plywood for the Installation of Classroom Partition at the ESSU Arteche Annex Building and for the Tile Works for the Deans Office use (Posted)
- Purchase of Lumber and Plywood for the Installation of Classroom Partition at the ESSU Arteche Annex Building and for the Tile Works for the Deans Office use (Updated)
- Purchase of Materials for DivisionPartition of ICTC 1st Floor AVR (2)
- Purchase of Materials for DivisionPartition of ICTC 1st Floor AVR
- Purchase of Printers for the Different Colleges and Office (Registrar, Cashier, Presidents, Accounting, College of Engineering and College of Technology of the University
- Purchase of Printers for the Different Colleges and Office (Registrar, Cashier, Presidents, Accounting, College of Engineering and College of Technology of the University(Updated)
- Purchase of Printers for the Different Colleges and Offices (Registrars, Cashiers, Presidents, Accounting, College of Engineering and College of Technology of the University
- Purchase of Supplies and Materials for the Construction of Faculty & Staff Garage to Protect Vehicle from any Precipitation
- Purchase of Supplies and Materials for the Construction of Faculty and Staff Garage to Protect Vehicle from any Preciptation
- Purchase of Supplies and Materials for the University use (2)
- Purchase of Supplies and Materials for the University use
- Purchase of Supplies for the 11th ICIDRRM use (2)
- Purchase of SUpplies for the 11th ICIDRRM use (3)
- Purchase of Supplies for the 11th ICIDRRM use (4)
- Purchase of Supplies for the 11th ICIDRRM use
- Purchase of Tire Tube Type Assembly 700-15. 8 Ply Rating for Motorpool office use. (Isuzu Truck) (Posted)
- Purchase of Tire Tube Type Assembly 700-15. 8 Ply Rating for Motorpool office use. (Isuzu Truck) (Updated)
- Purchasse of Airconditioner for the Supply and Property Management Office (SPMO) and Tinipigan Museum use
- Rehabilitation of 6-unit Comfort Rooms of College of Engineering Building at ESSU Main Campus(Posted) (2)
- Rehabilitation of 6-unit Comfort Rooms of College of Engineering Building at ESSU Main Campus(Posted)
- Rehabilitation of 6-unit Comfort Rooms of College of Hospitality Management Building at ESSU Main Campus(Updated)
- job Order_Printing tarpaulin for the activity entitled Information Dissemination about heat stroke
- Purchase Order WYNS Contraction Supplies
- PO Daviens Gen. MDSE
- PO_A.B Catamco MKTG. and ENT
- Purchase of Ceiling Orbit fans for the essu Balangiga extension Campus use
- Purchase of auto supplies for the university vehicle crosswind for the essu arteche use
- Purchase of auto supplies for the university vehicle crosswind for the essu arteche use (1)
- Purchase of Good and Supplies for the activity entitled Philippines Quality award Conferment Ceremony
- Purchase of feeds for the IGP Fishpond Project use
- Notice of Award_Catering Services for the Activity Entitled Mental Health Summer Workshop
- PhilGEPS Catering
- PhilGEPS_Catering Services for the Activity FOUR JAS catering Services
- 1 set-Male Catheterization Simulator Advance Cath
- 1- unit Wireless Childbirth simulator-Validated
- 1-unit Headwall-Horizontal Version Included
- Skull separation Model Life size human kull model
- Human Lymphatic System Model 2/3x life size
- Embryonic Development Model The embryonic stages
- Pregnancy pelvis Pregnancy Pelvis with Fetus in the 32nd Week of Pregnancy
- Human Blood Cells Model Enlarged 2,000 time
- Tube Feeding & Tracheositomy Care and Suctioning Machine
- Skin Tissue Model This Model of a Human skin
- 1-set Male Catheterization Simulator Advance Ca
- 1-set Female Catheterization Simulator Advance Ca
- 1-unit Adult-Auscultation Simulator Technical Spec
- 1-unit Advance IV Injection Trainer with a motor
- 1-unit Blood pressure with Tablet Computer Technical
- Fabrication, Installation, Delivery & Supplies of the Furtinure & Fixtures for Nursing and Allied Health Program use at ESSU Main Campus
- Proposed Construction of Two-Storey Academic Building (Phase 1) at ESSU GUIUAN Campus
- One (1) unit Desktop Computer for Graduate School Office use of ESSU Can-Avid
- Purchase of Ink for the Internship Office use
- Procurements of Supplies and Materials for Instructional and Laboratory use at ESSU Guiuan Campus
- One (1) unit Laptop for Land Use and Development Infrastructure Planning (LUDIP) and ICTC use at ESSU Can-avid Campus
- Procurement of Cloud Based Student Management System for the University and External Campuses use (Phase 1)
- Concreting of Parking Area in Front of Graduate School Building at ESSU Main Campus
- Embankment at Infirmary Building ESSU Main Campus
- Invitation to Bid for Installation of Water Pipeline from Borongan City Water source to ESSU Main Campus
- Invitation to Bid for Construction of Typhoon Engineering Building at ESSU Borongan Main Campus
- Invitation to Bid for Procurement of 1 unit Brand New Coaster or Mini Bus for ESSU Main Campus
- Invitation to Bid for Purchase of Computer Desktop for HRMO (2), PPO (1), REMO (1 ), ICOF (1), SPMO (1), RDSO (2), IT Laboratory-ICTC (5), Library (3), VPAA(1), NSTP Director (1), ESSU Arteche (3)
- Invitation to Bid for Procurement of Labor and materials 200 linear-meter road Concreting from Cafeteria to BSBA Building of ESSU Can-avid Campus
- Invittation to Bid for Procurement of Mini Dump Truck for the ESSU Main Campus use
- Construction and Installation of Elevator for Administration Building at ESSU Main Campus
- Catering Services for the activity entitled Evaluation of Performance of the ESSU Community President for the Second tern Re-appointment
- Catering Services for Activity entitled ESSU's 65th Founding Anniversary - ESSU at 65 Honoring our Legacy, Celebrating our Journey, Embracing the Future
- Invitation to Bid for Procurement of Two Units of Passenger Van for the University use at ESSU Main Campus
- Procurement of Medallion Gold Plate and BOR Regalia for the Board of Regents and University President use
- Invitation to Bid for the Construction of 200-linear meters road concreting from sport complex to Agriculture Building at ESSU can-avid Campus
- Procurement of Costumes, other Supplies and various cultural Performance for the Training Sessions and 2024 PASUC NCAF Competition of the Contestants use
- Procurement of Medallion Gold Plate and BOR Regalia for the Board of Regents and University President use
- Invitation to Bid for Procurement of Standby Generator for University use at ESSU Guiuan Campus
- Invitation to Bid for Procurement of Standby Generator for University use at ESSu GuiuanCampus
- Invitation to Bid for Procurement of ESSU Laboratory Facility fir Electrical Engineering use at ESSU Main Campus
- Invitation to Bid for Procurement of ESSU Laboratory Facility for Electrical Engineering use at ESSU Main Campus
- Purchase of supplies and materials for the Repair, Maintenance and Installation of ACU and Personal Protective Equipment for the University use
- Invitation to Bid for Procurement of various Machinery and Equipment for the ESSU Guiuan use