University Infirmary Facilitates Bloodletting Drive in Partnership with PHO

Eastern Samar State University, through the University Infirmary, hosted a Bloodletting Drive in partnership with the Provincial Health Office (PHO) today, February 14, 2025, at the Students' Pavilion, ESSU Main Campus.
The said activity has been a customary exercise during Valentine's Day in different localities and establishments around the country, meant as a genuine expression of love for another soul by donating blood, which can save a life, even that of a complete stranger.
According to the organizers and Infirmary Director, Dr. Rance Mae T. Campomanes, a total of 97 donors showed up for the mandatory checkup and had their blood extracted. The donors were a combination of ESSU students and employees, as well as several outsiders generous enough to support the bloodletting activity.
Led by their Dean, Dr. Eleazar S. Balbada, Criminology students facilitated the venue preparation and setup along with a team from the Provincial Health Office. As is customary, the donors were given grocery items and 5 kilos of rice each as a simple token for their priceless generosity.
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