For each of the categories for the completed studies, an award was given out to the Best Paper. In the AFNR / Eng’g. and Industry, it was the study of Dr. Danilo P. Alura of ESSU Main with the title Mangrove Forest and Seagrass Bed Status of Balangkayan, Eastern Samar. Ray Dominic Ladera of ESSU Main was the awardee in the Social Sciences category for his paper Framingham’s Risk Assessment for Cardiovascular Diseases among Government Employees. Lastly, in the Education category, Arvin Anthony S. Araneta of ESSU Salcedo won the award for his paper, Emotional Intelligence, Self Efficacy, Academic Engagement and Academic Success of Graduate Students.
The panel of evaluators for the AFNR / Eng’g. and Industry included Dr. Felix A. Afable, Dr. Gerry O. Ambait, Prof. Imelda C. Casillano, Dr. Deogracias C. Paano and Mr. Arnaldo T. Amosco. On the other hand, Dr. Guadalupe Q. Morante and Mrs. Evelyn A. Corado judged the Education researches. Lastly, for the Social Science studies, Dr. Sharon B. Singzon and Mrs. Esther R. Bañar served as members of the panel.