HRMO Targets Higher Level Accreditation in PRIME HRM Pre-Assessment Orientation and Seminar

In connection with the University's higher level accreditation target, ESSU held a PRIME HRM Pre-assessment Orientation and Seminar with all its teaching and non-teaching staff on Wednesday, September 11, 2024, at the Teatro Ibabawnon, ESSU Main Campus.
The orientation is part of the preparations for the actual PRIME HRM evaluation by the Civil Service Commission (CSC) scheduled for sometime next month. Already a Level 2 certified institution, ESSU sets its sights on Level 3 accreditation come evaluation time in October.
University key officials led all employees in the said activity bannered by ESSU President Dr. Andres C. Pagatpatan, Jr., Vice Presidents Dr. Rhodora C. Mendoza (Administration), Dr. Lito A. Lacaba (Research & Extension), Dr. Jocelyn S. Castro (Quality Assurance & External Affairs), and Dr. Aris A. Lapada (Academic Affairs).
Sharing his expertise as the resource speaker in the orientation was Dir. Rey Albert B. Uy, Director II from the Civil Service Commission, Eastern Samar Field Office. Dir. Uy imparted vital knowledge and pointers expected to be crucial in the University's quest for that Level 3 accreditation from the Commission.
The said event was organized by the University Human Resources Management Office (HRMO), headed by its Director, Dr. Debbie Joyce R. Voloso.