GAD Office Convene for Mid-Year Meeting and Continuing Training on Gender Sensitivity

The University’s Gender and Development (GAD) office held a mid-year meeting and continuing training on gender sensitivity at the 2nd Floor ESSU Main Library, Borongan Campus on June 28, 2024. Focal persons from the various colleges, external campuses and administrative staff were in attendance in the said meeting.

Respective focal persons from external campuses were properly represented by Mr. Apolinario John A. Bocar of ESSU Maydolong, Ms. Maricel Garcia of ESSU Salcedo, Ms. Aurora C. Gacusan of ESSU Guiuan and Mr. Joshua Gariando of ESSU Arteche. The representatives took turns at the podium to present their accomplishment report for the calendar year 2024 so far, before ESSU Main’s GAD Director, Atty. Dulce Lyn B. Payod and the entire membership.

Also invited to the event are members of KABABAYIN-AN, a local women’s rights & welfare advocacy group led by their Executive Chairman, Ms. Adelpa. A. Rivera. While Mr. Bocar of ESSU Maydolong has taken initiative in proposing extension projects for groups like the KABABAYIN-AN, Atty. Payod emphasized that everyone must take a more serious role in pushing their counterparts in the faculty to conduct research and extension ventures as this is a crucial part of the office’s mandate.

Serving as the highpoint of the congregation was the awarding of the most gender responsive campuses and colleges which saw the Maydolong, Guiuan and Salcedo campuses getting the nod. In the Borongan main campus, the College of Nursing & Allied Sciences (CONAS) took the award. University BOR Secretary, Dr. Debbie Joyce R. Voloso did the honors of imparting the closing remarks for the event and awarding of the winners’ certificate of recognition.

Periodic gathering of GAD members such as this aims to engage and motivate all GAD focal persons, identify any concerns early so that the GAD management can provide timely support. Gender Sensitivity Training seeks to develop a deeper understanding of the roles of women and men in the society, increase the level of awareness on gender and development, and address gender related issues in society particularly in the community.