A minor reorganization of middle officials of the university also transpired considering the need to manage an institution with a gargantuan task. Professor Jovito B. Madeja was designated as Executive Assistant to the President and also as Head of the Bachelor of Elementary Education Program; Atty. Rhoda M. Cebricus, Dean of the College of Law and Criminal Justice; Atty. Nat King Coles, Dean of the College of Business Management and Accountancy and also the resident ombudsman and Dr. Jonas P. Palada as dean of the Office Student and Alumni Affairs.
Meanwhile, Professor Arnel A. Balbin was entrusted with the task as Director of the Public Relation and Information Management Office, Dr. Benjamin C. Catimon as Director Administrative and Support Services; Dr. Edgar Julius C. Lim as BSED Program Head, Dr. Nenita N. Agda as Director Curriculum and Development, and Mr. Jose Hermie A. Puno was designated as Director for Institutional Planning and Statistics Office.