ESSU Main Campus Offers Thanksgiving Mass and Honor First Batch of Graduates

A day before the Batch A commencement exercises, a Eucharistic offering was celebrated by ESSU in honor of the 2024 graduates, held at the Canuctan Hall, ESSU Main Campus today, June 5, 2024.

University Chaplain, Rev. Fr. Christian Ofilan, presided over a solemn thanksgiving mass. In his homily, Fr. Ofilan conveyed a message centered on encouraging the graduates to take on the highest form of thanksgiving by being of service to society aside from helping their families as they embark on a new chapter in their lives.

University key officials were in full attendance led by Vice President for Academic Affairs, Dr. Vicente A. Agda Jr., who delivered the welcome remarks on behalf of University President, Dr. Andres C. Pagatpatan, Jr., with the Vice President for Administration, Dr. Rhodora C. Mendoza, Vice President for Research & Extension, Dr. Lito D. Lacaba, and Vice President for Quality Assurance & External Affairs, Dr. Marina S. Apilado along with the college deans, associate deans, and faculty members.

Batch A of the 2024 graduates includes the Graduate School, College of Hospitality Management, College of Nursing and Allied Sciences, College of Computer Studies, College of Education, and College of Engineering.

Graduate honorees, Mr. John Wendel J. Buenaflor (Magna Cum Laude - BSED Mathematics) and Mr. Lorelan P. Doligon (Cum Laude - BSED Science) both articulated very inspiring and moving speeches, sharing their struggles and the seemingly insurmountable odds they had to overcome in their respective journeys towards achieving the results they are reaping on their impending graduation. Mr. Doligon shared how he almost held off his final year in college because of financial challenges, if not for the help of his professors, deans and family whom he made sure to thank in his speech as well.

Meanwhile, Mr. Buenaflor firmly expressed a lasting lesson he learned in his stint in the university, one that stuck with him since. He conveyed that while education has become more accessible than ever before, it still remains to be a privilege to some disadvantaged members of the society. He further called on everyone to be instruments of bringing education and other opportunities to the disadvantaged and make sure that those who are not heard because of societal barriers are given the chance to be heard and their needs addressed by those who are mandated and in the position to do so.

Overall, the activity served as a fitting primer to the most awaited 61st commencement exercises tomorrow, June 6, 2024, indicating the official culmination of all the academic struggles and achievements in this year’s batch of graduates.