ESSU Main Campus Honors High-Achieving Students in 2024 Recognition Rites

As an expression of the highest regard for the students’ achievements and commitment to excellence, the University recognizes performing students of ESSU Main Campus for the 2nd Semester of SY 2022-2023 and 1st Semester of SY 2023-2024, in proper Recognition Rites today, May 22, 2024, at the Canuctan Hall, ESSU Main Campus.

University key officials were in attendance in the said event, spearheaded by ESSU President, Dr. Andres C. Pagatpatan, Jr., Vice president for Academic Affairs, Dr. Vicente A. Agda, Jr., Vice President for Administration, Dr. Rhodora C. Mendoza, Executive Secretary, Dr. Jerald P. Torillo, and the Dean of Student Services and Alumni Affairs, Dr. Aris Lapada along with the college deans.

Dr. Pagatpatan warmly expressed his congratulations to the students, their parents and faculty for their collective work resulting in them being present in the event. He further called on the students to sustain their outstanding performance and continue to work with the leadership as his administration never rests in doing their part in ensuring that the university is moving towards making it in the national and global rankings of tertiary institutions, a journey that gets more manifest by the years that pass and can only be attained by a united struggle of the entire ESSU Community.

Serving as the Guest of Honor for the event is Ms. Felicidad L. Duras, Public Schools District Supervisor-DepEd Eastern Samar, herself a highly accomplished alumna of ESSU and a dedicated steward of the Department of Education. In her inspirational message, Ms. Duras emphasized the importance of grit and perseverance in reaching goals as she recounted how she would take every chance to sell goods and services when she was a student in order to help her parents and their family get by and how she has come a long way since then.

The Recognition Rites serves as a celebratory event that acknowledges the journeys, personal growth and the students’ contributions to the ESSU Community with special recognition to those who have performed outstandingly for the given period. This activity is significant as it is a venue to formally recognize student service advocates, leaders, and honor awardees who have given themselves to excellence and service during their venture in the university as well as to inspire future success.