As one of the pivotal moments in the University's pursuit of international internship initiatives, the Office of the Student Internship Program (SIP), headed by Dr. Lucila C. Habac, facilitated the Thailand Internship Readiness Training on Language, Culture, and Hospitality Skills for BSHM students on February 7, 2025, at the SMART TRDI Center of the Main Campus.
Four (4) BS in Hospitality Management (BSHM) students from ESSU Guiuan Campus, and one (1) BS in Tourism Management student from the Main Campus were the participants of the said training. The five students are set to be deployed at The Peninsula Hotel in Bangkok, Thailand, on a March 15, 2025 target date to start their six-month internship stint.
In full support of this endeavor were the Vice President for Academic Affairs, Dr. Vicente A. Agda, Jr., who opened the program with an inspiring message, and the Director for Internationalization Programs, Ms. Maria Ayreen B. Elpedes, who provided a comprehensive rationale for the training.
Additionally, ESSU Main Campus' BSHM Program Head, Mr. Jocadel D. Padullo spoke in front of the students to share his experiences during his own internship in Thailand as well and provide added inspiration, as one of the few who got selected for the very first batch of students from ESSU sent to complete their internship abroad a few years back.
One of the resource speakers, Prof. Evelyn P. Daganio, shared her expertise in Thai Language, Workplace Communication, Thai Culture and Hospitality Brand. Also sharing their know-how in Kitchen Operations and Food & Beverage Handling were Mr. Joel Pagala and Ms. Antonieta Korinne B. Gagatiga of ESSU Guiuan and Mr. Franco Louis Luteria of ESSU Main.
ESSU Main Campus' Internship Program Director, Dr. Habac, expressed that both her office and the Office of Internationalization Programs are firmly aiming to send more students to maximize the University's partnership with The Peninsula Bangkok Hotel and expand the international internship program in the following years to other partner institutions in other countries as well, such as France, among others.