The 2024 ESSU Inter Campus Meet opens with an even higher anticipation level from the entire ESSU community after being pushed a day forward because of tropical storm Kristine. A parade around the Main Campus set the wheels in motion with all campuses strongly represented as everyone gathered at the Grandstand Thursday morning, October 24, 2024, for the opening ceremonies.
Delegates from the six (6) campuses, ESSU Guiuan, ESSU Salcedo, ESSU Can-Avid, ESSU Maydolong, and ESSU Arteche, proudly marched during the parade and showcased their chants and cheer choreography to start off the competitions.
University President Dr. Andres C. Pagatpatan, Jr. led all ESSU key officials in the opening ceremonies, accompanied by the Vice Presidents, Campus Administrators, the Sports Director, and Tournament Managers of the various sporting events across all campuses. Meanwhile, former Eastern Samar Vice Governor and Guiuan Mayor Sheen Gonzales served as the guest of honor for the opening activities, who also represents Minority Leader and 4Ps Party List Representative, Hon. Marcelino C. Libanan.
Proving to be the most cheered on and anticipated part of the ceremonies was the first appearance of the candidates for the Search for Mr. & Ms. ESSU for their introductions in their sports attire. Coronation for the Mr. & Ms. ESSU 2024 is set for Friday afternoon at 5:00 PM, October 25, 2024, at the Canuctan Hall.