CONAS Spearheads Symposium on HIV, UTI and Mental Health

The College of Nursing & Allied Sciences (CONAS), assisted by the Student Services & Alumni Affairs (SSAA), led by its Deans, Prof. Mark Bency M. Elpedes and Dr. Aris A. Lapada, respectively, hosted a timely and relevant seminar on HIV, UTI, and Mental Health at the Canuctan Hall, ESSU Main Campus, on November 8, 2024.
BS Midwifery Program Head, Mr. Jairus Ken A. Balagbis, addressed the participants with an interesting talk on Addressing Stigma & Discrimination, Transmission Testing, and Prevention Strategies of HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus), while esteemed guest speaker, Dr. Katrina Carmel Rapada from the Borongan City Rural Health Unit, afforded insightful information on the Causes, Common Signs & Symptoms, and Management & Complications of UTI (Urinary Tract Infection).
Titled Health in Focus: Promoting Understanding and Exploring HIV, UTI, and Mental Health, the seminar was conducted before an audience of first year students from across all colleges, which filled the venue, to the delight of Prof. Elpedes, who was happy to see all colleges well represented. With the Philippines infamously ranking first in the number of HIV cases currently and with the prevalence of mental health-related incidents around the world, this exercise cannot be more timely.
Meanwhile, psychometricians from the University Guidance Office, Ms. Chimbey Liz C. Ramirez and Ms. Maricon D. Elardo, shed light on Mental Health and Addressing Stigma, and Coping Strategies & Building Resilience respectively. The speakers also engaged the students in a question by taking in and addressing questions from them.
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