CHEDRO 8 Distributes Php4.7 Million to ESSU Scholars, Awards COPC to BSND and RRPA to BSM Programs

In his first visit to ESSU after the turn of the year, Commission on Higher Education Regional Office VIII (CHEDRO8) Director, Dr. Maximo C. Aljibe, handed over to ESSU students across its different campuses a total of Php 4,695,000 worth of grants under the different CHED scholarship programs on Thursday, January 9, 2025,at the Teatro Ibabawnon of the Main Campus.
Twenty-five (25) new Coconut Farmers Scholarship (CoScho) beneficiaries from ESSU Main Campus (19), ESSU Guiuan Campus (5), and ESSU Salcedo Campus (1) received Php 70,000 each, or Php 1,750,000 worth of financial assistance. The said amount is distributed to the scholars per semester until they complete their chosen curricular program at the University.
Under the CHED Merit Scholarship Program (CMSP), 19 students received a Php 40,000 full merit grant, and 17 students received a Php 20,000 half merit grant, which is also given to them per semester until they complete their chosen curricular program. For CMSP, the merit is based on the students' general weighted average (GWA).
Meanwhile, a ceremonial distribution of SMART Scholarship was also done, benefitting sixty-one (61) student beneficiaries who received their financial assistance in a separate event today, December 10, 2025, held at Barangay Calingatngan, Borongan City. For the SMART Scholarship, a one-time grant of Php 25,000 for each beneficiary was turned over.
To round up the glad tidings brought by the CHED team of Dr. Aljibe, ESSU Main Campus' Bachelor of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics (BSND) was also awarded their Certificate of Program Compliance (COPC), and the Bachelor of Science in Midwifery (BSM) Program was also awarded their Report on Result of Preliminary Assessment (RRPA).
The said certifications mean that both programs of the College of Nursing and Allied Sciences (CONAS) are fully adherent to the tertiary education instruction standards set by the Commission. This also means that the faculty of the aforementioned programs have a clearer path to career advancement, and their students are eligible for scholarship grants as well.
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