A team of Education Supervisors from the Commission on Higher Education Regional Office VIII (CHEDRO8), spearheaded by its Director, Dr. Maximo C. Aljibe, CESO III, was hosted by the ESSU Main Campus for their Validation Visit on Friday, January 24, 2025, in relation to the impending opening of the College of Medicine (CoM).
At the Faculty Lounge, the visitors were received by the ESSU leadership and the entire Technical Working Group (TWG), where matters relating to the selection of the faculty members, the functions of the College Dean, and the conditions with the base hospital, among others, were discussed in more detail.
The evaluating team, led by Chief Education Program Specialist Dr. Leo D. Camposano, was then accompanied by the entire ESSU contingent for an ocular inspection of the entire CoM Building and facilities for their readiness for the target opening of the college this year.