The BSN program of the college is a four-year program consisting of general education and professional courses. Professional courses begin in the first year and threads through the development of competencies towards the fourth year. The BSN program provides an intensive nursing practicum that will refine clinical skills from the first year level to ensure basic clinical competencies required of a beginning nurse practitioner.
The AACCUP team headed by the over-all coordinator, Dr. Nelia S. Raganas and her team had reviewed and evaluated the five programs. Dr. Jhane R. Jabonero of Surigao State College of Technology was assigned to evaluate the BSN program of the college. Areas that were evaluated for preliminary visit were the vision, mission, goals, and objectives of the college, faculty profile, curriculum and instruction, support to students, research, extension and community involvement, library, physical plant and facilities, laboratories, and administration.
Prof. Ruth G. Aguilar, the dean of the college of nursing together with Prof. Maria Lynne C. Parambita, the coordinator for Quality Assurance and Accreditation Center (QAAC) of the college, faculty, staff, and students were actively involved in the preparation for the survey visit with the help of the university administration.
The preliminary survey was in preparation for the level 1 AACCUP accreditation that were scheduled by the accrediting agency to be conducted in September 2014 and the succeeding years. According to Dean Aguilar, the survey visit served as a glimpse on the actual AACCUP accreditation with the comments and recommendations of the AACCUP accreditors in the survey visit serving as pointers for improvement that will prepare the college and all areas. The upcoming level 1 AACCUP accreditation of the BSN program is tentatively scheduled on the year 2015.