The resolution underwent the process of consultation among student stakeholders and to that effect, the Supreme Student Government unanimously endorsed said proposal for BOR approval.
The last time that the Board of Trustees, the highest policy-making body when ESSU was still a college, approves the increase was in 2003 and despite the increase of material and printing costs it remained until the end of school year 2013-2014. The proceeds of the ID fee enabled the ICTC to sustain its maintenance and operations along with the purchase of several computers, accessories and parts that were used in the ICTC laboratory.
With the new system for the printing of the new ID in place the ICTC is giving priority to the printing of IDs for freshmen students, employees, and old students who’s IDs were lost. Several complaints, however, reached their office from students and school officials alike, due to slow production turnout. Prof. Cruz reasoned out that the bulk of ID applicants happen usually during enrolment and will taper off around three months after. With only one printer and sole encoder who happens to multitask to attend to the office’s other staff duties, the turnout is significantly affected. With this, he ordered to give preferential attention to ID production to close the gap between target and output.
The new ID and ID fee will first be implemented at the main campus, and once proven to meet the desired results, it will be adopted by the other external campuses, the BOR ordered.