Despite the unrelenting rain showers, the 2024 ESSU Grand Alumni Homecoming was made successful by the concerted efforts of the ESSU Alumni Association and the office of the Student Services and Alumni Affairs (SSAA), held last December 28, 2024, Saturday, at the Canuctan Hall.
At the forefront of organizing the homecoming into a success was ESSU Alumni Association President, Atty. Rhoda M. Cebricus, and the alumni officers, including College of Law (CoL) Dean, Atty. Dulce Amor A. Beato, Attorney IV, and ICTC Director Mr. Alfredo B. Cebricus, J.D. Warmly welcoming the entire alumni were the ESSU key officials led by University President, Dr. Andres C. Pagatpatan, Jr., Vice President for Academic Affairs, Dr. Aris A. Lapada, and Vice President for Administration, Dr. Rhodora C. Mendoza.
In his welcome message, Dr. Pagatpatan revealed his excitement during the preparations and expressed his thrill that the day has finally arrived. In front of the beaming alumni in attendance, Dr. Pagatpatan revisited the humble beginnings of the institution and boasted of the many accomplishments and successes that have been attained as well as the monumental leaps that the University is currently undertaking in its push for brand new heights in national prominence and globalization.
For the said iteration of the alumni homecoming, the organizers honored distinct members of the ESSU Alumni who have achieved unmistakable success in their respective pursuits and have shown incredible dedication to their field of service. Attendees were also treated to countless giveaways in the games and raffle draws to the delight of everyone in attendance.