University Seal


I. Enrolment Procedure for Continuing Students

The procedures for old students or those who have been enrolled during the immediate past semester are as follows:

  1. Pre - registration forms of regular old students or those who have been enrolled during the first semester AY 2020 - 2021 will be prepared by their advisers or program heads. Students are advised to contact their advisers/program heads as to the courses they would like to enrol for the 2nd Semester. The list of courses will be made available online thru our ESSU website and on our ESSU FB page. The advisers/program heads will be responsible for filling up information in the pre-registration form and will turn over the same to the registrar for encoding.
  2. Programs with pre-requisite courses may still be pre-registered provided the faculty handling the pre-requisite courses will sign the Consent of Instructor (COI) form signifying that said students are most likely to pass the subject.
  3. For irregular old students, you are advised to personally come to ESSU and process your registration. By irregular old students, these are students who either may have been taken subjects in different year levels, have grade deficiencies during their past semester/s or who have failed to enrol in the past semester/s, as well as those who are transferees and shiftees from other programs. The conduct of actual pre-registration must be done by appointment basis only. Minimum health and safety standards and protocols under national, local, and university directives must be observed.
  4. As a form of dry run in rolling out the online enrolment system of ESSU, all regular and irregular students under the College of Computer Studies must process their pre-registration online.  Instructions in processing their pre-registration will be disseminated by the said college.


II. Admission Policy and Enrolment Procedure for Incoming First Year Students and Transferees

There will be no holding of University Admission Test for the second semester AY 2020 - 2021.

  1. Interested Senior High School graduates and/or transferees from other colleges/universities who wish to apply for admission to any of the curricular programs offered in the various campuses of the University should apply directly to the admission office of the ESSU campus nearest to them. This, however, should be done on appointment basis only and shall contact the Registrar’s Office thru text or email. Contact numbers may be seen thru the ESSU official website. Prior to prospective student’s visit to the campus, he/she should fill up the application form available at the ESSU website or at the entrance gate of the University before heading to the admission office. Together with the filled-out form are the following documents for evaluation:
    1. SHS Report Card/TOR or Certification of Grades
    2. Certificate of Good Moral Character
    3. Large Brown Envelope
  2. Upon verification of the completeness of documents by the admission personnel, the prospective student will then proceed to the program/college he/she wishes to enrol. It would be the task of the program heads/deans to evaluate if the applicant’s GWA is compliant to the requirements of the college. Those who will not be accommodated may enrol in their 2nd or 3rd alternative programs or in other non-quota programs.
  3. Once course program requirements have been met by the student, the program head or any assigned enrolling officer shall facilitate the pre-registration of the student and shall submit the same to the registrar for encoding and printing.