The ESSU’s mandates in research and extension are the direct responsibility of the Research and Development and Extension (RDE) Department. This Department is headed by a Vice President who leads in the development, implementation and review of the research and and development and extension agenda.
The Vice President for Research and Extension (VPRE) sits as Vice Chair of the Research and Extension Council of the university and endorses to the University President the approval of research and extension work and related undertakings.The VPRE is responsible of recommending to the University President policies, strategies, guidelines, budgetary allocations, among others pertaining to research and extension. The VPRE also directs the planning, implementation, and monitoring of all research and extension programs and the necessary collaborations with institutional linkages.
There are three (3) service offices in the main campus of the university that are directly under the OVPRE. These are the Research and Development Services Office (RDSO), the Training and Extension Services Office (TESO), and the Intellectual Property Office of the University-Innovation and Technology Support Office (IPOU-ITSO). These service offices are headed by Directors and supported by Assistant Director and Unit Heads. The research and extension activities in each college are facilitated by a Research and Extension Coordinator.
The VPRE coordinates with Campus Administrators concerning the implementation of research and extension activities in the external campuses. The Head of Research Services, Head of Extension Services, and IP Coordinator in the external campus oversee the conduct of research and extension programs, projects and activities (PPAs).
All officials working in the RDE Department are usually faculty designated by the University President for a specific term subject to the confirmation of the Board of Regents.